Genetic Species Update


Genetic Species Update

I'm sure all of you have heard about Genetic Species, if not, why not? It is one of the best looking games coming our way at the moment. Sadly, it has suffered some delays recently, however, this is only so the authors can make it as good as possible.

New Genetic Species Screenshot New Genetic Species 

The most recent that most of you will have seen of this game is the version 3 demo that was distributed on the Amiga Format CD and has also been on Vulcan's other CD releases. This, however, is quite old now and there have been a massive amount of additions since this was released.

The game now features around 12 different weapons including a plasma rifle, a flame thrower, an axe, a rocket launcher and the interestingly named drill weapon to name just a few. you can be assured, there will be no lack of tools to kill the enemy with.

New Genetic Species Screenshot New Genetic Species 
Screenshot New Genetic Species 

While on the subject of enemy characters, there is now a total of around different enemies featured in the game. These range from the plain old corpses to the weird looking huggers.

The graphics engine has had a lot of work done on it, especially for specific processors. The game is running fast on just a reasonable Amiga configuration now, and if you have a high powered Amiga you are in for an excellent experience. The graphics engine boasts such things as texture reflection/refraction, distance shading, shot lightsourcing and much more.

New Genetic Species Screenshot New Genetic Species 

Another aspect that has been improved on is the enemy AI. This has received a lot of work to make it as realistic as possible. Things such as Retreat, Hide, Roam and group fighting have been added to make the enemy as hard as possible to beat, you won't find stupid enemies that just stand there waiting for you to kill them in this game.

New Genetic Species 
Screenshot Other things that has been implemented includes speech samples, introduction of the probe takeover system, support for 3 button mice (There is joystick and keyboard support too) and much more.

Currently the game is looking like being released sometime on March although this is yet to be confirmed.

For more information about the game check out the webpage of the games Developer, Marble Eyes:-

Genetic Species Developer Webpage.

Also you can check out the webpage of its publisher, Vulcan at:-

Vulcan's Webpage.